50s & 60s Photos

These photos are mostly from the 50s & 60's
The era's represented here may also represent other era's.  

Click on the photos to make them larger

Charleston Schools Mercer School Train
A few old elementry schools Mercer School The Elk School Train

Currey's Bicycle Shop

A&W Root Beer

Barlows Skating Rink

Currey's Bicycle Shop A&W Root Beer Barlows


Gold Dome Drive In

Bullit Street

Leonoros Gold Dome Drive In
 Joe Fazios & Bullit St
 Mount Vernon Milk
Patrick Street
Charleston National Bank
Mount Vernon Dairy
Patrick St Farmers Market Quarrier St  Breaks Through

Coonskin Park

Smith Street

Charleston Beer Joints

Operation Coonskin Smith Street Beer Joints

Shrewsbury St

Fleetwood Hotel

Charleston High School

Shrewsbury St Fleetwood Hotel Area Charleston High School
Bob Phillips Drive In

Trail Drive In

Sissonville Wv
Bob Phillips Drive In The Trail Drive In Slip Hill Sissonville Rd
West Side Aerial Photos A Few Old Hospitals
Charleston WV
West Side Aerial Photos A Few Old Hospitals Town Center Mall area
Orchard  Manor
Court St
Magazine Hollow Flood 1961
The Manors The Triangle District
Magazine Hollow Flood 1961

North Charleston Piedmont Road

El Rancho

North Charleston Piedmont Road El Rancho, Dick Reid, Buddy Starcher & Sleepy Jeffers
Kelly Axe-True Temper Patrick Street Bridge 1964 Truslow Street  1952
Kelly Axe-True Temper Patrick Street Bridge 1964 & 1930 Truslow Street  1952

Minotti-Gilmore House Charleston WV Charlestons Crime Of The Century
Minotti-Gilmore House Sentz Street Charlestons Crime Of The Century
Kanawha Valley Dragstrip How I Survived The Crash The Interstate
Kanawha Valley Dragstrip How I Survived The Crash The Interstate Path

The Chrysler Turbine The Braxton County Monster Some 60s cars
Charleston's Chrysler Turbine The Braxton County Monster
featuring Hugh McPherson
Some 60s Sports cars

St Albans Summers St
Laidly St
St Albans Misc Photos
Laidly Street

Burger Boy Foodorama Valley Motor Sales
Frontier Drive In
Burger Boy Food-O-Rama Valley Motor Sales Frontier Drive In

Midget Racer Dutch Ridge Ellis Market
Local Midget Racers The Camping Trip Ellis Market on Main St

Stonewall Jackson Capitol Restaurant Tip Top
Stonewall Jackson High School The Capitol Restaurant Collapse Wynns & Tip Top Drive In

Kanawha City Coke Magic Island
Misc Photos of Kanawha City Rummels Coca Cola Magic Island


Murderer’s  Baptism Hodos
Shoneys contest of the century Murderer’s Baptism on Sugar Creek HODO'S Drive In

The Greystone Ariel Square Four Heart O Town
The Greystone
The Ariel Square Four Heart O Town Motor Inn

The Leo Photos
Heck's Discount
Jean Carson
Charleston's Jean Carson

Silver Bridge bank
The Silver Bridge Tragedy The Bank - Hotel Blocks
North Capitol Street

Christmas in the 50s Fazio Murder 3rd dor
Christmas In The 50's The Horrible Fazio Murder The 3rd Door

Big Star Carl Agsten Douglas Barrel
Big Star Supermarket The Amazing Agsten Photos The Douglas Barrel Co.

todelinn Greens Feed Carbide
The Tod-El-Inn Greens Feed & Seed The Carbide Invention

Buried Alive Parkins Motors
Charleston Fire Dept.
Buried Alive in the 60s. Parkin's Studebaker

Rollyson Volkswagen Guthrie Radar Station
Chuck Yeager
Rollyson Volkswagen The Guthrie Radar Station
The Great Chuck Yeager

Marmet Cemetery
The Graves of Marmet

Husky's Dairy Bar

Husky's Dairy Bar

Ice Pick Surgery
The Lobotomist in WV


Area Minstrel Shows

Manson - Charleston History

To the 70s Photos

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All content including articles and photos on this website Copyright 2013 by J. Waters.  All images on this website are used with permission or outright ownership of J. Waters.

All newspaper articles are courtesy of the Charleston Gazette or Daily Mail for the express use of the author. You do NOT have permission to use any image, article or material without permission from the author.  You do NOT have permission to pull photos from this website and post them to Facebook or any other website.  Any material used without permission will be subject to creative copyright laws.