Parkin's Studebaker

I lived directly behind Parkin's Studebaker when I entered 1st Grade.  I played in the alley that separated us.  I knew Mr Parkins from the mid 50s through the early 70s. He was a fine man and managed to put up with some of the jokes I pulled.

Parkin's Studebaker

This showroom was just a few doors up from my Uncle's business on Broad Street.

Parkin's Studebaker

Parkin's Studebaker

Parkin's Studebaker

1960 Studebaker Hawk

Parkin's Studebaker

Parkin's Studebaker

Parkin's was also the dealership for Mercedes, although I don't recall ever seeing one there.

Parkin's Studebaker

Parkin's Studebaker

You probably noticed the "Datsun" sign in the very first picture at the top.  Mr. Parkins took on Datsun in
1966, the same year Studebaker would end its production of automobiles forever.....

Parkins Datsun

By 1971, Parkin's sold the dealership to Allen Lucas

Parkin's Studebaker

And so ends the saga of Studebaker and Parkin's Motors.....

Top photo courtesy of Randall Witt.

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