Misc Kanawha City Photos

When kids learned at an early age to stay out of traffic. The kids are in front of Gay's Hardware at the corner of 55th street and McCorkle Ave. |

Below is the same building when new. Notice the address...

old street number system was still in place at this time, so 10th
Street would later become 40th Street. This address change alone
would confuse people many years later as they researched the history of
this area. But many of the street names were changed also.
For instance: Noyes Ave was once Kentucky Ave.
Lancaster Ave was once Railroad Ave. The list goes on and on.
See maps at the bottom of this page.
This building at 40th and MacCorkle housed several businesses, including a Valley Bell Dairy store in the 50s.

Steak House operated in Kanawha City from the mid 50s to the early 60s.
They were next to the "Valley Bell" building in the second
picture above.
 This garage would later become Village Auto Sales Today
 Kanawha City Heck's
The Candle Lite Club... and briefly the Polynesian Restaurant

The Candle Lite Club

But then.....

Below is a panorama that I have cut into 3 sections of the LOF plant.

See this image in one piece HERE
Now... about those street numbers

above photos show the same house address. Onc is the 20s-30s and
the other in the 50s. All the numbered streets were changed
sometime in the early 40s.
The maps below show how the streets were numbered in the late 30s. |

LOF photos courtesy of Rich Callard
Hecks photos courtesy of Ray Griffith

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