the 40s, plans were made to build a new airport on "Coonskin Ridge".
More than enough property was secured by the county
Commission and soon, there was talk of a park for the citizens of
Kanawha County. Charleston had always suffered the lack of a
nice park, a real park with streams and forest and a feeling of being
out in the country.... but not too far out. There was only one
problem: No money. We were just a few years passed WWII and
the government had bills to pay. The citizens then did what all citizens did "back in the day"....they built it themselves.
It started in 1944....
And so....

Interestingly, the park was to be a memorial park to honor our war dead.
But then, by 1949......

By 1950, the Gazette decided that if the park was going to
get built, private citizens would have to do it. Calls were made and a
movement was started. The plan was to be called "Operation
Coonskin"...... |
And so it began.

All the business people were organized....

And soon the day arrived: Build this park in 48 hours!

First, a parade through Charleston with the heavy equipment

Did they do it? You bet!

Many everyday citizens were involved with building the park.
These days are gone forever, as government regulations alone wouldnt allow it.
If you have time, read this editorial from the Gazette.
What's happened to us since those days?

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