Valley Motor Sales
 See larger photo HERE At
the time of this photo, Valley Motor Sales was a Ford dealership.
In a few years it would become Bert Wolfe Ford. Later it
would be Raines Lincoln Mercury, White Lincoln Mercury and Charleston Lincoln Mercury. Today, it's being remodeled
for a Girl Scout camp. This is the corner of Virginia St. West at
Maryland Ave.

This was the parts department next door. A Little History This
business started out as Colonial Garage in 1925. It was the largest
garage of it's type in the state. It was also the classiest.
The building was designed with those fine Roman columns at a time
when most garages were usually side street affairs. I have to
believe however that the idea of selling cars was in the owners mind
also. You see, in the early twenties there was a car dealership
on almost every corner. These dealerships were often no more than
space to park a new car inside, and maybe a tiny garage area.
Many buildings downtown that you'd never dream of as car
dealerships actually were at one time. Remember too that there
were about 100 more models of cars back then than there are now, and
most of these brands failed over a decade or so. In this case,
Colonial Garage took-on the Chevrolet and Hupmobile
dealerships. The Hupmobile was built from 1909 through 1940 by
the Hupp Motor Company for instance. Below is an example of the
Hupmobile that was sold at Colonial Garage.

The building is being remodeled for a Girl Scout headquarters and camp. How it will look
Image courtesy of Marie McCauley, Project Architect .
ZMM Architects & Engineers

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