A Few Old Elementary Schools

I've had this photo for many years and it's always intrigued me because I could never find out where it was located.  The name is "Airport School",  and it's finally been confirmed that it sat in the Twilight Drive area of town

This is Parsons School, which sat on Amity Drive on the West Side hill.  Evi Young says: I went to Parsons. It was located on Amity Drive on the Westside. I attended first grade there for one year. It was torn down and I transferred to J.E. Robins Elementary. My teacher was Mrs. Means and there were three grades in one room. We held class in the left side of the building and had gym in the right side. The swings were around back. The front yard area was gravel. The floors were a dark glistening wood.

This is Mt Ovas School. The building is still standing on Mary Street.

Watts Grade School

Watts Grade School 

Fruth School was on Lee Street.  See more here

This one room school was called Sunset School, and is still standing believe it or not.   However, it is now encased in brick and has been expanded into a nice home up on Capitol Hill.  My friends went to this school in the 50s,  and then joined me down in the valley at Mercer School on Quarrier Street next to the YWCA after they closed this school down.  After the school closed, they went to Mercer. See the 212 steps that the kids had to use HERE

A class at Sunset School

Hubbard Grade School

Hubbard Grade School (near the Coonskin Park intersection with Greenbrier St)

Oakridge School

This is Oakridge School.  The building is still there but you'd never recognize it.

This school sat on Greenbrier Street and was called Martin Elementary.  Later became a bottled gas business.


An old school on Pine Street Hill (Market Drive). Called Sunrise School, it closed in the mid 30s but the building lasted up through the 40s and possibly even the 50s.  Kids went to Elk School on Pennsylvania Ave. after Sunrise closed.    (West Side)

J.E. Robbins

J.E. Robbins

Chamberlain Grade School

Chamberlain Grade School

Fort Hill Grade School

Fort Hill Grade School

Lincoln Grade Section
Lincoln Grade School

St Agnes

St Agnes

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Overbrook School

Overbrook  Grade School

Sugar Creek Grade School

Sugar Creek Grade School

Elk Grade School

Elk Grade School  on Bigley Avenue.

South Ruffner Grade School

South Ruffner Grade School

Dale Thomas School

Dale Thomas

