The Henry Eary Photos
Eary (1889 - 1958) was a Civil Engineer who came to Charleston as a young man in the mid
teens from Anstead, Fayette Co WV . He surveyed
all over the area, especially for the railroad. He built a house
on Russel Street at 2nd Ave when it was practically farmland. He
was also an avid photographer from the late teens through the 50s.
His early photos of the Capitol burning are an example of his
work. He photographed Charleston many times, and most of his work
has never been seen..... until now. New photos will be added each week,
so check back. Enjoy the rare photos of Henry Eary:
 Henry Eary
was there in 1921 when the State Capitol burned, and took this never
before seen photo. You can see more Eary Capitol Fire photos
(along with others ) HERE
photo shows the North side of the State Capitol facing Washington
Street. For most of it's existence, you could drive right past
the Capitol on this side, and pull into the circle to park.
 The Route of old Washington Street East Henry turns his camera slightly to the left and captures this never before published photoSee larger photo HERE Looking in the opposite directionSee a much larger photo HERE
never been seen before view is pretty rare: What the riverbank
looked like to the far left of the courthouse. See what landmarks
you can pull out. View the large photo HERE

never before seen photo is a rare find. Circa 1920, it shows the
very narrow road right on the riverbank, going around the Depot.
There are about 8 people in this photo. Some blurred, but
there. The bridge is the original South Side Bridge. Notice
also the Houseboats.
See a much larger photo HERECompare this photo to the one HERE
| The West Side This
never before seen Eary photo points to the West Side of Charleston.
You must blow this up to see the detail: To the left, the river
is so low that you could walk across it. Notice the houses on the
riverbank of what was then Columbia Ave. Of course, there's no
Blvd Bridge yet and that area on the East Side is still swampy.
You will see many landmarks of the West Side in this photo, circa 1920.
Click HERE for the large photo.
 This great photo from Henry was previously published on this site and can be seen HERE
will be adding more Henry Eary photos to this page over the coming
weeks. They have never been seen before, and you will be amazed.
Eary photos courtesy of Anne Cablish McClure

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