Piedmont at Wertz Ave

See larger photo HERE
rare never before
published Carey photo Circa 1927. This time it's Piedmont
Road right around the corner from Wertz Ave. At one time, Kanawha
St (now Kanawha Blvd) met Piedmont Rd at this location. This
is the reason for all the advertising. The federal government
took a photo of this same location, (see below) but no one today
knew exactly where it was, only that it was shot "at the Eastern
city limits". A "Standard Oil" station is to the right in the
photo and it stood on the corner of Piedmont & Wertz. The
building to the left was E.J. Howard Tires. Many years later this
would become a local neighborhood store that was owned by Charleston
policeman and his wife. All the kids in the neighborhood called
it "Mrs Rankins Store". There is a road up on the hill in the
photo if you look closely. It actually travels between Rankins Store
and the building behind it. That's McKee Ave. It was diverted to
Wertz Ave when the Interstate came through. FINALLY: The
buildings on the left were only a hundred yards or so from what would
later be the Gold Dome Drive In.
Here is the photo that the government took several years later.

Standard Oil has now become
Esso. The house in the front has been torn down. At one
time, Piedmont Rd was a thoroughfare through Charleston, because it was
a straight shot all the way to the West Side, while most other streets
in the city were dog legs. Rt 60 dumped onto this intersection
back in the day also.
 This photo was taken in the 50s from the opposite direction of the first photo at the top of this page.
E.J Howard

Notice the address as "Kanawha Street and Piedmont Road.
 Howards "Service Station" had one gas pump, as you can see in the photo.

Amoco had two gasolines back in the
day: One was "American Strate" which was straight gasoline without
additives. This was the cheaper of the two. The other was
"Amoco", which was the more expensive.
Top photo
courtesy of Joe Cary.