Delivering the Daily Mail

No one seems to know the exact date of these photographs or the model of the motorcycles.  By the headlights, it would appear to be the mid 20s or so, and most likely a Harley Davidson.  The only reference to these delivery bikes are both found in the 1928 Daily Mail: 

A four inch snow fall was recorded here Saturday, evening. The snow delaying traffic by causing the roads to become very slippery. The Daily Mail motorcycle man was only slightly delayed.

Haeman Gainer, well known young man of this city recently purchased the Auto laundry from Granvllle Gainer and will operate the business In the future. The consideration has not been made public. Until recently Mr. Gainer has been an employee of the Charleston Daily Mail on the motorcycle delivery service from Charleston to Rainelle.


Delivery by motorcycle was very common in the 20s, 30s, 40s.  Fife Street Shoe Shop ran an ad for a long time proclaiming fast delivery via motorcycle.  Even Valley Bell delivered Ice Cream by motorcycle for a time. So did many others.  I myself delivered lunches from the Rose City Cafeteria by Vespa Scooter in the mid 60s even.

Photos Courtesy of the Tom Hindman collection


Virginia at McFarland Streets
This is a wonderful photo of the Daily Mail building on the left, at the corner of Virginia & McFarland. The address was 1001 Virginia Street. Later, it moved into a brand new building right across the street at 1002 Virginia Street, where it is today.  As all the cars are exactly alike, it's a good bet that they are Daily Mail cars. Notice the YWCA next door and the Sacred Heart Church steeple in the background.

The Daily Mail building is on the left, at the corner of Virginia & McFarland. The address was 1001 Virginia Street. Later, it moved into a brand new building right across the street at 1002 Virginia Street, where it is today.  As all the cars are exactly alike, it's a good bet that they are Daily Mail cars. Notice the YWCA next door and the Sacred Heart Church steeple in the background.


