The Parkette Drive In, before the name was changed to Shoney's.
In 1947, Alex Schoenbaum opened the Parkette restaurant in Charleston on Kanawha Blvd West near Patrick Street. Soon, the
Parkette grew to include Big Boy restaurant franchises, and in 1954 the
Parkette was renamed Shoney's.
Never in the history of WV did a contest
have such impact as the one that took place in the Spring of 1954.
It was then that Alex Schoenbaum decided that his popular new restaurants
needed a new name. His "Parkette Drive Ins" were becoming
very well known locally, but the name was too generic and other drive-ins
across the country were starting to use that name also. Remember,
this was the start of the Drive-In craze. In the early 50s,
almost anything you could drive
into was tried, including drive-in churches and even drive-in
funerals. So Alex needed a new name for his fast growing business.
The plan was to run a contest and have the public come up with ideas.
This was wildly popular, as the first prize was a brand new car.
People had NO idea of the ramifications of that contest. They
had NO idea that this little group of local restaurants would go on
to become one of the largest chains in the history of food.
After all, the Parkette Drive Ins were similar to other drive ins,
like Bob Phillips for instance. I was a little too young to
know anything about the contest, but just a couple of years
later I would enjoy the results in my moms car parked at the newly
named "Shoneys" on Kanawha Blvd E. (where Captain D's is
today). Growing up, I had heard about the contest for
most of my life, and the people who mentioned it were usually
finalists in it. So I wondered... exactly who WERE the finalists?
Who won? So now for the first time.... |

This was a typical ad for the Parkette
And this was a typical Car Hop!
This is Mary Morris-Foster around 1960, one of the many girls who helped make Alex Schoenbaum a multi millionaire.
Photo courtesy of Charles Seacrist

This ad ran in May of 1954. Alex
has teamed-up with the Big Boy name but he doesn't look anything like
he would later. Notice that at this time, there were already
Parkette's on the Blvd near the bowling ally, 35th and MacCorkle,
3rd Ave in South Charleston, Summers Street across from the
Kearse, and 5th Ave in Huntington.

The contest was unbelievably popular...




Just kidding. But it would have
been really cool if some early Rock & Roller, you know...
with the greased back Ducktail and leather jacket would have won.
Or an early Hot-Rodder! These are the one's that made the the
early business right? But that's OK, Shoney's went on
to become a huge force in West Virginia's economy. and that is still
being felt to this very day.

The winner decided to sell the car.
Now we have Shoney's
Alex Schoenbaum standing in front of his newly named drive-in.

For some time after the contest, the
business was referred to as "Shoney's Parkette" just to
get people used to the new name.

Shoneys #1 on Partick Street in the early 60s.

I was really surprised to find this ad
from 1955. This Shoney's was right across the street from Charleston
High School, and yet, I cant recall even one person ever talking about
this location. In 1965, I would actually live right behind it,
but by then, this Shoney's was long gone. I have to assume
that it only lasted a couple of years. I also believe that it
was later turned into the "Coffee Shop", a place that I
visited often.

The "Big Boy" as we would come to know it.
Newspaper ads from the Charleston Gazette and
Daily Mail. Shoneys photo from SJHS yearbook via Nancy Williams

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