Lee Street Triangle was actually the corner of the old State Capitol
property. Lee Street (then called State Street) ended at Capitol
Street because the Capitol blocked it. When the Capitol burned
and was removed, this opened up Lee Steet but left a small bit of
property which was too small to support anything. So they decided
to leave this bit of property to the city for use as a resting spot.
Many an old man (and young too) have sat there over the
years watching the pretty girls go by. This photo taken from in
front of the C&P telephone building. Even "back in the day", commercial ads were everywhere, like this Nu Way Cleaners ad on the light.
See very large photo HERE
two photos were taken before the Lee St Triangle. As you recall,
the triangle was formed after the State Capitol burned. But
theese photos were taken when the Capitol was still in place.
 Bottom two photos courtesy of Jerry Cottle