Kanawha & Michigan
Railroad And The Silver Bridge
Almost everyone has seen
this photo:
It's the K & M Depot
at the end of Broad St where I grew up, and later known as
the New York Central
And you might have even seen
these photos:

station , built 1897 and demolished in 1975, had
a very interesting history
itself. The Ohio Central had built eastward along
the north bank of the Kanawha River to reach
Charleston in the 1800’s but it went into receivership in 1883 and was sold to the Kanawha & Ohio in 1885. In
1889 the K&O went into receivership and was rechartered as the
& Michigan. The K&M then extended east of Charleston to Gauley
by buying the Charleston & Gauley Bridge Railroad.
The K&M was an independent operation, but
was controlled by the Toledo & Ohio, later the Hocking Valley. The
acquired a controlling interest in the Hocking Valley , however in 1914
the US
District Court forced the C&O to sell the K&M under terms of
Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Control passed
back to the Toledo & Ohio Central which was leased by New York
Central in
But I'll bet you've never
seen this photo:

rare photo has never been published before. Taken on the
backside of the old K&M Depot around 1905, it's a beautiful
example of time standing still so that we can see how life was "back in
the day". I played in the building as a child and never once
thought it might disappear.

going outside of Charleston for this one, all the way to
Point Pleasant. This is the K & M Railroad Bridge
over the Ohio River circa 1893. The small Engine was standard
for it's day. Notice how narrow the bridge structure
is. That would soon be removed and a wider, heavier structure
would take it's place. That bridge is the bridge you see
today in Point Pleasant, and it stands just upriver from
where the old Silver Bridge once stood. The bridge piers you
see in this photo now support the current bridge. That little Engine
most likely parked itself many times on Broad Street back in it's day. |
here is a shot of the town of Point Pleasant with the bridge in the

bridge today:

Only shown here
due to the proximity to the railroad bridge

Silver Bridge is listed here because at one time it stood just
downriver from the K & M Railroad Bridge.

December 15,1967 at approximately 5 p.m., the U.S. Highway 35 bridge,
otherwise known as The Silver Bridge connecting Point Pleasant, West
Virginia and Kanauga Ohio suddenly collapsed into the Ohio River. |

the time of failure, thirty- seven vehicles were crossing the bridge
span, and thirty-one of those automobiles fell with the bridge. Forty-
six individuals perished with the buckling of the bridge and nine were
seriously injured. Along with the numerous fatalities and injuries, a
major transportation route connecting West Virginia and Ohio was
destroyed, disrupting the lives of many and striking fear across the
nation. |

bridge was dubbed the 'Silver Bridge' because it was the country's
first aluminum painted bridge. It was designed with a twenty-two foot
roadway and one five-foot sidewalk. Some unique engineering techniques
were featured on the Silver Bridge such as 'High Tension' eye-bar
chains, a unique anchorage system, and 'Rocker" towers. The Silver
Bridge was the first eye-bar suspension bridge of its type to be
constructed in the United States. |

scale model of the original Silver Bridge can be
seen at the Point Pleasant River Museum. An archive of literature about
the bridge is kept there for public inspection. On the lower ground
floor, the museum displays an eyebar assembly from the original bridge.
In 1892,
the Kanawha and Michigan Railroad (K&M), originally chartered
in April of 1890, completed its rail line between Point Pleasant, WV
(Mason County) and Charleston, WV (Kanawha County). A year later, in
1893, the K&M completed it's extension of the its rail line to
Gauley Bridge, in Fayette County , which provided a transportation link
between West Virginia and the Great Lakes region.
completion of a bridge in 1893 by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
(C&O) across the New River, at Gauley, provided the K&M
a link with the C&O, at K&M Junction, near Gauley
Bridge, WV.
In 1910
C&O interests bought control of the Kanawha & Michigan,
planning to use the K&M to connect the C&O with the
Great Lakes area, but anti-trust laws soon forced the C&O to
abandon its K&M interests.
In 1922,
the K&M leased its line to the New York Central System (NYC),
eventually became a part of the NYC. The NYC expanded the old
K&M line with the addition of a branch line to Middle Creek, in
Clay County, and another branch line to Swiss, in Nicholas County.
K&M Structures
former K&M combination (freight and passenger) station at
Gauley Bridge was moved to a new location, and now serves as city hall
for the town of Gauley Bridge, WV.
former K&M freight station in Charleston, WV is now the
location of the Capitol Market .
predecessor line: Kanawha and Ohio Railroad, reorganized as Kanawha
& Michigan in 1893.
was controlled by The Toledo and Ohio Central Railway Company, between
1903 and 1910.
was merged with Toledo & Ohio Central in 1938, and Toledo
& Ohio Central was merged with NYC in 1952.
photo down courtesy of Carlos Morris
