Dr. Jim Davidson was a Dentist on Capitol St. for many years.  What made him amazing was all the wonderful advertisements that he ran in the course of his career.  Nobody else had the courage to do this, while some in his profession thought it shameful.  Doctors simply didn't run Ads like this, and it was frowned on by many medical organizations.  But not only did Dr. Jim have a thriving practice, he also had a side business with his brother, and he used his fame to push that business also. What was that sideline?  Chickens!   Yes, Dr. Jim had the largest poultry  plant around, located off Rt 60 between Charleston and St. Albans.    He also was somehow involved with the circus,  and you can see more of that later.  In the meantime, let's look at some of those wonderful Ads.....

Dr. Jim Davidson

Here's my favorite:

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

So there you see Dr. Jim's great Ads. 
Now let's go to his other business,  his chicken ranch...

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim Davidson

Unfortunately, the chicken business went up in smoke...

Dr. Jim Davidson

I've never found much information on Dr. Jim and his circus connections...

Dr Jim

Dr. Jim Davidson

Dr. Jim maintained an office at 221 1/2 Capitol Street in Charleston for many years. That building still stands today, and at the time, was owned by my best friends Aunt.

Dre Jim Davidson

Goodbye Dr. Jim.  You were one of a kind, looking like
a mad scientist with Ads to match.

Dr. Jim Davidson

8 1/2 By 11 photos of these Ads are available.



All content including articles and photos on this website Copyright 2013 by J. Waters.  All images on this website are used with permission or outright ownership of J. Waters.

All newspaper articles are courtesy of the Charleston Gazette or Daily Mail for the express use of the author. You do NOT have permission to use any image, article or material without permission from the author.  You do NOT have permission to pull photos from this website and post them to Facebook or any other website.  Any material used without permission will be subject to creative copyright laws.