***Kanawha County Schools Page 15***Sanderson School
Grade School in Sanderson WV, just beyond Quick WV. Sanderson
was a thriving coal and timber community for many years. In the last
years many people worked at the nearby Carbide mines. 

Sawmill School

Sawmill Grade School. This school was located on what is now Kanawha State Forest Drive. It sat close
to Jones Farm Rd across the road from Davis Creek itself. Sawmill School was built in 1915 and
averaged 21 kids.

Sharon School
Grade School, located up Cabin Creek in Sharon WV. I never
located this school on any old maps, but there was a Sharon-Dawes
School in Miami WV. The map below show that location. I
believe this school may have been there before the new school was
built, which was in 1905. The new school is seen below.

Opal Ferrell, is the blonde girl, far right, middle row, upper photo.

Shrewsbury School
Located in Shrewsbury WV.

Simmons Creek School
SIMMONS CREEK SCHOOL, was located 2 miles up Simmons Creek from the
DuPont Plant in Belle. Built in 1927, it housed an average of 34 students