KANAWHA CITY PANORAMA CIRCA 1925 This series of photos comes with a mystery. First, look at the full sized image of the photo above HERE.
If you blow this photo up, you will see a most beautiful house with a wonderful bridge:
Some years ago I visited that property and took the photos below:
This is the steel reinforced concrete bridge that you crossed from Kanawha Ave. THE HOUSE BEFORE.... The house had a large sunroom with French doors on both sides
Showing more detail...
The house itself was in excellent condition, however the grounds were getting pretty seedy. But there were other problems as well....
I don't want to go into detail, but I knew that the person living in the house was in trouble. I called the authorities to check on the old owner, in the hope that they might be helped in some way. The owner refused any intervention.
About two years later..... The house burned, and the owner died of his injuries.
This is the lot that remained, but a splendid new house would soon be built...
This house was finished in the summer of 2014 Now for something interesting....
Can you imagine such a refined young lady from a very wealthy background living in Belle WV in 1920 ??
The house was for sale in 1960
If anyone has something to add or change about this story, contact me at wvskyguyATaol.com