Midelburg Auditorium on Lee Street East

See larger photo HERE Midelburg
Auditorium Was used for everthing possible over it's lifetime. It
was the stage for live shows, broadcast studios, a roller rink (where I learned to
skate) and an Ice skating rink among others. The Post Office is
now located on this property.
a skating rink, it was operated by the locally famous Mills Lynn, who
came to Charleston in just before WWII as a professional trick
roller skater. Later, Lynn would go-on the open the
skateland rink in Kanawha City where Nautilus is today and also Rollarena in North Charleston


As mentioned above, Mills Lynn went on to build two more roller rinks in Charleston

knew Mills for many years, and had him build me a pair of professional
jump skates in the early 70s. Mills was the finest skater I've ever
personally witnessed in my lifetime. He literally glided so fast
and so gracefully that it appeared he wasnt even touching the ground.
And that man could even gracefully skate through a pile of kids
blocking his path and falling all around in front of him.... like they
werent even there. He was truly a talented man who loved his work.
