Banks & Buildings

Union Building

What we know as the Union Building on Kanawha Blvd at Capitol Street.

At the time of its completion in 1911, the Union Building was the tallest in the state and a symbol of the city’s early banking and business prosperity.  It was originally named the Alderson-Stephenson Building in honor of businessmen Charles Alderson and Samuel Stephenson who financed the construction of the building. The Union Trust Company was the main tenant in the building, and was later converted into a general office tower. Between 1938 and 1940, Kanawha Boulevard was constructed along the Kanawha River, separating the Union Building from the remainder of the business district.

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Kanawha Valley Bank
Directly across the street on one side was the old Kanawha Valley Bank.

City National Bank
And on the other corner was the National City Bank.  This building still stands on Capitol & the Blvd.

The Terminal Building is located at Capitol Street and Kanawha Blvd. was constructed in 1910.  The eight-story Beaux-Arts style skyscraper featured a limestone-clad first story with a curved corner entrance, and plate-glass display windows facing Capitol Street and Kanawha Boulevard. The building featured a Classical-style cartouche and corner gable, and an ornate terra cotta parapet.

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Citizens Bank

Citizens National Bank building on the corner of Capitol & Quarrier Streets.
See the 3 doors across the front?  The two smaller ones are covered by  bars.
The one on the right is now the entrance to the Peanut Shop.

peanut shop


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Charleston National Bank
Charleston National Bank
Capitol Street across from Quarrier.   Notice the lower left side.
That's where Quarrier Street now continues.

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Kanawha Hotel
Kanawha Hotel shown from the Summers Street side. The fenced property is the Post Office

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The Charleston YMCA was an institution for thousands of kids on Capitol Street
At this time, it was directly across the street from the State Capitol Building.

n...... CHURCHES

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