The finest fire engine of it's day

We'll get to a little history on
the old Kanawha Steamer, but first I'd like to tell you how it
wound up in the Civic Center. We have to go back to 1988.
This was the year the Steamer was pulled into Charleston... again.
Some background....
When the "Kanawha"
was put out of service many years ago by the city of Charleston,
the firefighters union asked that they take ownership. This was
the last steamer, as the other one had been sold for scrap. So it
was decided to allow the firefighters ownership. They then built
a huge trailer to haul the engine, mostly in parades. They housed
the engine for many years in firehouses, but mostly station 9 on
Sissonville Dr. They did what they could to make the engine
presentable, cleaning, sanding and painting. A real
restoration would have cost much more money than they had. So
many many years passed, and the engine appeared in fewer and fewer
parades. The old engine was now just taking up space. What
to do? It was decided to offer the engine to the WV State
Archive. The engine would be placed on display in the relatively new
"Science and Cultural Center" at the state capitol. It was
delivered there and placed in storage until a spot could be
found. Problem was... that spot was never found. So it sat and
sat. Finally ( unbeknown to the firefighters ) the pumper was
hauled to Camp Washington Carver (The site was dedicated in 1942
as the first 4-H camp for African-American youth in the nation) at
Clifftop to be displayed. Displayed? For whom? It sat
in the weather in the summer and was housed in the winter. It DID
have a roof over it in the summer but that's no way to treat an
irreplaceable heirloom. Once the firefighters found out about
this, they became angry and demanded that the engine either be
returned to the museum, or to them. This demand fell
on deaf ears. Years went by and nothing could be done.
Calls were made to the governor, senators and anyone who might be able
to help. They simply wouldn't move the engine.
Enter yours
truly: I had told them from the beginning that if they wanted the
engine back, just give me the word and I'd have it back in 24
hours. For years, no one took me up on my offer. Finally,
out of sheer desperation, I was asked to bring the engine
back. I wont go into names, but "certain people"
allowed me the use of a city truck and lowboy. My plan was
simple: Drive to Camp Washington Carver and load the engine and
bring it back. I took enough people with me that if push came to
shove... we'd do that too. The morning that we were on the road
to kidnap the engine, a funny thing happened: "Someone"
became a little worried and made some phone calls. Somehow those
phone calls paved the way for a FAST negotiation process. As we
were loading the engine.....

..... back
in Charleston plans were made to house the engine in the Civic Center
for safe keeping. Meanwhile, a deal was quickly struck with the
state and a contract written up that the city could have the engine on
display for one year. (yea right). Fact is, I believe that by the
time the state found out that I kidnapped the engine, what could
they do? After all, they knew the city was behind it all and
didn't want to get into a big public fight with Charleston. So we
pulled the engine into the Civic Center, and rolled it into the
lobby. Mayor Kent Hall made a short speech and said the
following: "As long as I am mayor, that engine will never
leave the lobby". Naturally, the news article glossed over
the real story, but it didn't matter because we got our
engine back. So there it sits to this very day. I made the photos
and placards that are there today. I think the engine looks great
because it sits in a cubbyhole that looks like it was made for
it. I hope the day comes that it's restored to it's once
beautiful shape. Helping me "liberate" the Steamer in the above
photo is Jackie Adkins (in green hat) and Bobby Runion (White t shirt) |

News article June 20, 1988

first fire company in Kanawha county was organized in Charleston in the
early part of 1864, but, by some misunderstanding among the members,
was caused to suspend. On February 24, 1864, it was re-organized, with
A. E. Summers as President and William Fisher Secretary.
Thomas A. Oliver was appointed by the company as engine-keeper at a
salary of $5 per month. The uniform of the company was a red jacket
with black velvet collar, black pants, black leather belt, with name of
the company on it. The rank of the company included some of
Charleston's most prominent men and numbered seventy-three members. The
names of the engines or apparatuses were Hope and Kanawha. |

The arrow points to the
"Kanawha" during the great Capitol fire of 1921. Below is a better

This is the corner of Dickinson & Lee.
The Kanawha is going full steam on the left.

Fire horses came in
three classifications:
* The lightweight: 1,100 pound
horses that were used on the hose wagons,
* The middleweight: 1,400 pound horses that were used on the steamers,
* The large, 1,700 pounders that were used to pull the hook and ladders
as well as other heavy equipment.
Fire horses
required much stamina and strength and natural ability. One expert of
the time said it was usually a one-in-a-hundred selection. Their
training took between one and two years. Many horses were "very
spirited" and non-conformist in nature, but with a patient and
knowledgeable trainer, would turn into a top-notch reliable fire-horse.
Just think of 3 large horses fastened to a very heavy steamer,
galloping full speed through busy streets (and hills) of Charleston,
between throngs of other wagons, buggies, horses, trolley cars, etc.
The horses and the driver had to make quick judgments constantly. Even
Charleston had railroad-type interurban cars in its days of fire
horses. The horses would have to have above-average intelligence to
serve, but after forty years of
working closely with the horses, firefighters no longer bunked in the
stable-firehouse to be ready to hitch the horses to the engines at any
hour. The sound of hooves clattering through the streets, straining to
get pumping equipment to the fire was replaced by the roar of engines.

In March of 1852,
a Cincinnati locksmith named Abel Shawk, a railroad locomotive builder
named Alexander Bonner "Moses" Latta, and a iron-foundry owner named
Miles Greenwood, joined forces to build the world's first successful
steam-powered fire engine. There was
a young apprentice working for Shawk and Latta in their factory by the
name of Chris Ahrens. When Shawk and Latta sold their business in 1863
to Lane & Bodley, a local machine shop, Chris Ahrens became
superintendent of fire engine construction. Five years later Ahrens
bought out the Latta fire engine business, renaming it C. Ahrens &
In 1877, Ahrens
renamed his company the Ahrens Manufacturing Company. By 1903, Ahrens
fire engines held every world record for steam fire engine performance.
When one was broken a new Ahrens engine would set a new record.
In 1891 Ahrens merged with three of its biggest competitors to form
American Fire Engine Company. Chris Ahrens' son-in-law, Charles Hust
Fox, left his position as assistant Chief of the Cincinnati Fire
Department to join the Ahrens firm. One of Mr. fox's innovations was
the Fox Vertical Water Tube Boiler, which could raise steam from cold
water in 3 minutes, and the "Columbian' steamer, the world's first
pumper to carry its own hose. Before this a steamer required a separate
hose wagon to carry its hoses. In 1902 Fox helped develop the world's
first gasoline-powered fire engine.
In 1905 after a protracted legal battle, the Ahrens family separated
the company from the conglomerate that had grown over the years. It
became the Ahrens Fire Engine Company.
company's new type of fire engine was the "Continental", it was third
in sales and again garnered every world record, delivering the highest
gallons per minute, the greatest pressure, pumping through the longest
length of hose lines, and shooting streams further and higher than any
other make of steamer of the day.
is fortunate to have the finest fire engine of it's day, the Ahrens
number 140. There is one thing that disturbs me however:
The engine is very heavy and is standing on it's original wooden spoke
wheels. That's far too much weight for something that old.
There needs to be small stands placed under the engine just enough to
take the weight off the wheels. UPDATE: They did finally
place "jacks" under the axles to take the weight off the wooden wheels.

In 2015 the Civic Center was being enlarged. The old
Steamer had to be moved. As of this writing, the Steamer is still
in the basement of a fire station, seen by no one. The Civic
Center was greatly enlarged, but they "claim" that there's no
space for the Steamer. Over the last 25 years, Charleston has
lost its way. They're trying to make it something it's not.... some
kind of artsy fartsy fantasy. The river and the railroads built this
town. Without them, we wouldn't be here, but do you see any kind of
museum or ANYthing that reflects this? No. And the fire dept had
a huge role in protecting this town and its people. See anything about
that? No. "Something" should be out there for the public to see.
If they dont want the old Steamer in their precious Civil Center, then
they should purchase an enclosure and place it outside on one of the
many spaces around the building. These new enclosures prevent moisture
and the new glass prevent fading.
Here is an example of what it might look like: