The Elk Hotel sat on the corner of Broad
and Smith Streets. (Now Leon Sullivan Way) Over it's lifetime
it supported many business, including my Aunt & Uncles tavern
"Bernie's". I remember when Bernie himself owned it,
and the business actually started-out as a drug store. All of
the beautiful oak cases , shelving and pharmacy windows were still
in place (and sold by my family) before the Interstate took
it. The Elk Hotel housed a lot of railroaders over the years
because the old K & M depot and warehouse was right across the
street. Some lived there year round. Although the
hotel became a little seedy in it's last years, it was never
really bad. I grew up cleaning Bernies every Sunday morning
to make extra money. Good times... |


In the photo above this one: The people on the sidewalk are mostly
people that I know and grew up around. That's my Aunt Doris in the
window, and I can even see Harry Swisher, the Barber that
cut my hair for many years and went-on to open the Saddle Shop.
They are there to get a view of an Old West stagecoach that was just
unloaded from a train in the background. The state of Montana celebrated
its 100-year anniversary in 1964 and sent a group of Old West cowboys
across the nation to note Montana's Centennial. |
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