This is not an
in depth history of Charleston Newspapers, but early newspaper
printing. The men
and especially the equipment that made the Charleston newspapers
possible. While we focus on the Mail, both papers used about the
equipment available at the time.
Let's start here:

The Charleston Mail on Virginia & McFarland St.
Years later they will move directly across the street into a new

The early Pressroom

Very early Linotype

The new building for the Daily Mail

Meanwhile, the Gazette was a few blocks away on Hale Street.
The Equipment
Here's how it worked:
Naturally you cant read this, so
click HERE for a large image.
The machines needed to print a newspaper
Here are the early machines that were used to turn-out
the newspapers at the turn of the Century.
course the Linotype was the most important invention in the history of
printing next to movable type.
Possibly the most complicated machine
ever built, the Linotype took a special kind of person to operate it.
The best video demonstrating the
Linotype can be found HERE
Larger newspapers and printing shops often had rows of
Linotype operators.

The noise
was deafening, and so deaf people were often preferred to operate the
The Charleston Newspapers used Linotype machines well
into the 60s.

is my copy of "The Tribune Book of Open Air Sports" It was the worlds first book
completely printed using a Linotype machine.
The Press

This was the
latest technology in Presses for the Charleston Mail in 1914. There was
nothing else like it anywhere around.
It could print
24,000 newspapers in one hour.
But time marches on, and
by the 70s, the new Offset Presses came on the scene...
So let's take a look to see what
happened on 1974 when the newest in technology finally arrived....
this link for Part 2 and the Goss Metro Press.
On to the 1911 Photos
To Main Index
content including articles and photos on this website Copyright 2013 by
J. Waters. All images on this website are used with
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outright ownership of J. Waters.
newspaper articles
are courtesy of the Charleston Gazette or Daily Mail for the express
use of the author. You do NOT have permission to use any image, article
or material without permission from the author. You do NOT have permission to pull photos from
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