The Old Library
old Capitol Annex built in 1902, was the home of the WV Supreme Court,
and was first brought to light as a possibility for the library in
1925. The Library Commission at the time didnt want the Annex.
They preferred a building built as a library instead.
The first
Kanawha County library was founded in 1909 and located in the YMCA
building at Capitol and Washington streets. Later it moved to
various parts of the city. Finally it located on the corner of Kanawha
St and McFarland, from 1914 to 1921. For the next 5 years, it was
housed in the old Red Cross building at the end of Capitol Street and
Col. A.E. Humphries, who had donated $100,000 to the
idea of a new library, asked friends and citizens to donate also.
Humphries donated stock in his oil company and eventually enough
money was raised to purchase the old Capitol Annex building for
Morris Harvey College was housed in the library for a time, as was the Federal-State unemployment office.
This is a collection of library photos from 1926 to 1966


 Great ariel shot courtesy of Mike Price

1:06pm on Dec 28, 1966, a cutters torch set the building on fire, which
was under demolition. Six Companies of firefighters responded and
had the fire out within a couple of hours, but stayed on the scene for
a few more to make sure there were no flair-up.s I watched the
library burn, as did my girlfriend at the time. She had a camera and
took many color photos. Wish they were still around.
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