Howard Thurston

Here you will find all the interesting information concerning Howard Thurston, considered the world's greatest magician of his day.  He was friends with Harry Houdini, but Houdini wasn't a magician, he was an escape artist. 
Howard Thurston was a stage magician from Columbus, Ohio. He eventually became the most famous magician of his time. Thurston's traveling magic show was so large that it needed eight train cars to transport his road show.Most people have no idea that Howard Thurston played at the Kearse Theater in Charleston WV, and it was here on Oct. 6, 1935 that Thurston almost died, and in fact, his illness in Charleston finally led up to his death

 Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston was friends with Harry Houdini.

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston

Howard Thurston


Howard Thurston


As a final note, Howard Thurston married a woman 39 years his Jr.
He would last 11 months....

Howard Thurston

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