WKAZ 1965 - 1970 AUDIO


When I was a kid, there was NO other station except WKAZ.  I'm talking between 1965 and 1970.  They had the best lineup, the best voices, the best talent in my humble opinion.  Once I got into radio myself here in Charleston, that lineup had changed and a new group took over KAZ.  I then went to work for the competition, WXIT and the guy who this page is all about came to work with us.  THEN I felt our lineup was the best (of course).  Anyway,  below you will find audio of Pappa Jay and the radio station itself.  Commercials, ID's, and just nonsense .  Jay died on May 25, 1995 at Charleston General Hospital.  He was 59 years old, and had been ill with heart and cancer issues for ten years.

Poppa Jay Jarrell

Poppa Jay Jarrell Audio From 1965

Rock Lake Pool

Shoneys and ID

Larry McGinnis Call

Shoneys and Station Spots


More Dedications

Viet Nam Dedications and Station Spot

Poppa Jay Jarrell


Station IDs

The Weather Report

Jay & Bob Turley (as Granny)

Diamond Dept Store

Diamond Dept Store #2

The Juiciest Jock In Town

Silver Brand Clothes

Promo Featuring Don Young

Click on the images above to see much larger versions.


Poppa Jay Jarrell


Audio by Johhny Goyen and  Larry McGinnis



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